Sunday 27 October 2013

Secondary Research

I uploaded a powerpoint that I have created through Microsoft PowerPoint and uploaded it onto my blog. This shows all the various archive footage which we have managed to research that goes alongside our documentary about books vs kindles.

Monday 21 October 2013

Primary Research

In lesson we began to make arrangements for our documentary via email and mobile phone. However, out of the nine people we emailed and called only four people said that they were be willing have us interview them in relation to our topics Books vs eBooks.


Friday 18 October 2013

Formal Proposal for Documentary

In lesson, we talked about the formal proposal for our documentary in terms of the topic, type and style of documentary, channel and scheduling, etc. 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Brainstorm of Content for Documentary

In lesson we were told to come up with various ideas for our overall topic for the documentary. We were told to come up with the interviews, cutaways, topics, music and voice overs we are going to use in our documentary.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Audience Research

As a group we managed to create a questionnaire which allowed us to  find out information in relation to our target audience. We then printed out and asked 30 people to find out information about themselves, in relation to their music, colour interests and book preferances.

The following video contains two audio clips merged together and are in relation to our questionnaire.

From there we gathered up the responses given to us by the people who answered our questionnaires, and created both graphs and data in order to find out the most popular response for each question. These answers will aid us when coming to choose pacific areas for the various sections in our documentary, such as the colour schemes and music. This will also benefit us as well, as they may help provide us with information and data to use in our documetary also.