Wednesday 18 December 2013

Codes and Conventions of Radio Trailers

We discussed the various codes and conventions when it came to do our radio trailer, all of which are shown below.

Friday 13 December 2013

Radio Trailer and Video Recording

 In order to record our voiceovers we had to use both the recording mic and recording software that was contained inside the studio, which allowed us to record the voiceovers for both our documentary and radio trailer. This allowed us to get a clear voiceover as no background noise made itself present, and therefore lessened the chance of dictraction.
The person who we used for both the documentary and radio trailer voiceover was Helen Keay, and the recording itself took place in the radio studio contained inside of school. However, due to the the fact that we where only allowed to use the radio studio once, we decided to record both the voiceovers for both our documentary and radio trailer as well.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Scripting Voiceover

After much discussion amongst the group we finally came up with the voiceovers that where to make themselves present throughout our five minute documentary.
  • With the ever developing technology around the globe, it was inevitable that one day books were going to go digital. Years ago electronic devices which allowed people to complete tasks to a quick and easy standard were only dreamed of. Now they have become a reality, but are they here to stay?
  • Modern book production came about as a result of the invention of the printing press, because the printing press mechanised the book production process, books became available in greater numbers. By the nineteenth century however the demand for books could not be met quickly enough by the process of hand printing. Printers developed larger presses to accommodate larger sheets of paper. These improvements allowed printers to produce books at a much faster rate.
  • Does the public’s move towards eBooks spell the end of the book?
  • With the growth and development of eBooks it is understandable that some libraries have taken the opportunity to provide their visitors with an eBook lending service. But how does it work?
  • Many books have been adapted into screenplays since cinema began. Some have become major blockbusters like; Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games and these adaptations have encouraged young people to read the novels of the films.

Tuesday 10 December 2013


In order to show the editing process for our documentary 'Moving Foreword', I made it into a video using Windows Movie Maker. The video is shown below.

Friday 6 December 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013