Friday 17 January 2014

Final Products

The following post displays all of our three media products that we have created during our a2 media coursework, and have successfully been completed.


Radio Trailer:

Newspaper Advertisement:

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Evaluation 1: In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

All three of our media products, documentary, newspaper advertisement and radio trailer, use, develop and challange the forms and conventions of real media products in a variety of different ways. 

 I then went on to analyse the radio trailer we had created to go alongside our documentary, by looking at the list of codes and conventions we had previously made when listening to this particular type of real media product.

In addition to this, I then went on to compare the codes and conventions that we had previously listed from looking at real media newspaper advertisements against our own.

Evaluation 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

The following presentation shows the ways in which the combination of the main product and ancillary text that we have created is effective.

Evaluation 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We gained feedback for all three of our media products in two ways. These were through people physically sitting down and watching our documentary, listening to our radio trailer, and looking at our newspaper advertisement; as well as through internet. The following images show our audience watching our media products, and the powerpoint shows the audiences responses to watching and looking at all three types of media that we had created.

Evaluation 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The following video helps show the vaious media technologies that we used during the course of our A2 Media Coursework.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Newspaper Advertisement Production

We started by creating a rough sketch of what the newspaper advertisement was going to be like when it is fully completed.
However, once that was done we then went on to produce the real newspaper, and the steps taken to do this are contained in the following PowerPoint. 

Saturday 11 January 2014

Monday 6 January 2014

Scripting Radio Trailer

We managed to come up with the radio trailer that would go alongside our documentary Moving Foreword.


(.) - short pause
(1.0) - long pause
_____ - emphasis

Voiceover: Helen Keay
Music Bed: Brians Log - Doctor Who Series 7 (instrumental)


v/o: Books. Whether you love them or hate them they affect everyone.

clip: "Ive had books since I was a baby, books that have seen me through college."

v/o: No matter what form they may be.

clip: "The anticipation, the build up, and the excitement of the adaptation to the screen."

clip: "You can download the to your phone, your ipad, your PC."

v/o: The list is endless thanks to the technological advancement. Even those who have never picked up a book have been seduced by the appeal of having hundreds of books in one Kindle.

v/o: So, the question is; "Is the modern electronic book phenomenon taking away the magic of the physical book? Find out on Moving Foreword, on Channel 4, Thursday 9th January at 9pm.