Wednesday 18 December 2013

Codes and Conventions of Radio Trailers

We discussed the various codes and conventions when it came to do our radio trailer, all of which are shown below.

Friday 13 December 2013

Radio Trailer and Video Recording

 In order to record our voiceovers we had to use both the recording mic and recording software that was contained inside the studio, which allowed us to record the voiceovers for both our documentary and radio trailer. This allowed us to get a clear voiceover as no background noise made itself present, and therefore lessened the chance of dictraction.
The person who we used for both the documentary and radio trailer voiceover was Helen Keay, and the recording itself took place in the radio studio contained inside of school. However, due to the the fact that we where only allowed to use the radio studio once, we decided to record both the voiceovers for both our documentary and radio trailer as well.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Scripting Voiceover

After much discussion amongst the group we finally came up with the voiceovers that where to make themselves present throughout our five minute documentary.
  • With the ever developing technology around the globe, it was inevitable that one day books were going to go digital. Years ago electronic devices which allowed people to complete tasks to a quick and easy standard were only dreamed of. Now they have become a reality, but are they here to stay?
  • Modern book production came about as a result of the invention of the printing press, because the printing press mechanised the book production process, books became available in greater numbers. By the nineteenth century however the demand for books could not be met quickly enough by the process of hand printing. Printers developed larger presses to accommodate larger sheets of paper. These improvements allowed printers to produce books at a much faster rate.
  • Does the public’s move towards eBooks spell the end of the book?
  • With the growth and development of eBooks it is understandable that some libraries have taken the opportunity to provide their visitors with an eBook lending service. But how does it work?
  • Many books have been adapted into screenplays since cinema began. Some have become major blockbusters like; Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games and these adaptations have encouraged young people to read the novels of the films.

Tuesday 10 December 2013


In order to show the editing process for our documentary 'Moving Foreword', I made it into a video using Windows Movie Maker. The video is shown below.

Friday 6 December 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Friday 15 November 2013

Third Try at Vox Pops

On Friday 15th November, 2013 we all went to Liscard to have another go at doing our vox pops. However, even though some people wouldn't answer our questions, we were able to get more people to answer our questions, than we did the first and second time we went out to record them. As a result we now have the necessary amount of vox pops thats required, and they will be used in our documentary.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Second Try of Vox Pops

On Wednesday 13th November, 2013 we all went to Liscard to have another go at doing our vox pops. Again we had many people who declined us in answering our questions. However, we were able to  get a few more people than our first attempt at doing the vox pops, but due technical difficulties we have to go out and record them again.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

First Try at Vox Pops

These were the questions asked:

Do you read?
If not, why don't you read?
If yes, favourite book?
Favourite Author?
Kindle or Book?
Where do you keep your books?
Where do you read?
When do you read?
Why do you read?

On Sunday 3rd November, all three of us went to Birkenhead to do our vox pops. We spent one hour there, and after asking people only two would answer our questions in relation to books and kindles on camera. As a result we have to go out and do them again.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Documentary Interviews

All interviews we conducted and the questions that we asked are contained in the following prezi presentation along with the dates that we interviewed each interviewee on as well.

Monday 11 November 2013

Wednesday 6 November 2013


In lesson we started to write our opening sequence for our documentary 'Moving Foreword'.
As well as that though, we also did storyboards for the four interviews that we will make themselves present in our documentary as well. The drawings also helps show the framing of each interview, as well a brief indication as to what the mise-en-scene of each interview will be like as well.

Monday 4 November 2013

Running Order

We managed to successfully complete and upload the running order for our documentary.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Secondary Research

I uploaded a powerpoint that I have created through Microsoft PowerPoint and uploaded it onto my blog. This shows all the various archive footage which we have managed to research that goes alongside our documentary about books vs kindles.

Monday 21 October 2013

Primary Research

In lesson we began to make arrangements for our documentary via email and mobile phone. However, out of the nine people we emailed and called only four people said that they were be willing have us interview them in relation to our topics Books vs eBooks.


Friday 18 October 2013

Formal Proposal for Documentary

In lesson, we talked about the formal proposal for our documentary in terms of the topic, type and style of documentary, channel and scheduling, etc. 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Brainstorm of Content for Documentary

In lesson we were told to come up with various ideas for our overall topic for the documentary. We were told to come up with the interviews, cutaways, topics, music and voice overs we are going to use in our documentary.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Audience Research

As a group we managed to create a questionnaire which allowed us to  find out information in relation to our target audience. We then printed out and asked 30 people to find out information about themselves, in relation to their music, colour interests and book preferances.

The following video contains two audio clips merged together and are in relation to our questionnaire.

From there we gathered up the responses given to us by the people who answered our questionnaires, and created both graphs and data in order to find out the most popular response for each question. These answers will aid us when coming to choose pacific areas for the various sections in our documentary, such as the colour schemes and music. This will also benefit us as well, as they may help provide us with information and data to use in our documetary also.

Friday 27 September 2013

Initial plans

Today we discussed our ideas for our programme, covering the subject matter of the programme, the scheduling, the channel and the title of the programme. We looked at the idea of books vs. kindles,  and the final agreements were the following:

Final Agreements
Name:- Moving Foreword
Channel:- Channel 4
Scheduled Channel:- 7:30pm
Target Audience:- 16 - 30

Thursday 26 September 2013


We managed to come up with a whole variety of topics that we could cover ranging from clothing to obsessions. As a result of all the ideas that we came up with, we managed to narrow it down to three main ideas.                                                                                

Wednesday 25 September 2013


In lesson we looked at various television schedules and through them, we were able to identify the various segments and the types of programmes within them.

Monday 23 September 2013

Evaluation: Its Good to Talk

Once the class watched our short documentary in relation to the Preliminary Task: Its Good to Talk, they came up with some advantages and disadvantages for the documentary, as well some improvements that could be made in time for our next documentary; e.g. main task.

The audience felt that their were various advantages that made themselves present when they visualised the final product. The advantages that they came up with overall where:
     - Cut aways allow seamless translations and where relevant to the theme
     - Music went with the title (contemporary)
     - Pun (thrones to phones)
     - Music helped re-enforce competition
     - Graphics used
     - Sound through time mic
     - Range of phones
However, the audience also felt that were a few disadvantages with the documentary that made themselves present as well. These consisted of:
     - Passport appears half way through
     - Background has nothing to do with phones
     - Interviewee is sitting side ways and not straight at into the camera (interviewer positioning)
     - Doesn't last for the whole five minutes

After looking over the preliminary task that we completed, we came to realize that it was not done to the best of our ability. This being said then, the next time that we do a  documentary, the main things that we will have to make sure that it lasts the full five minutes, the background is relevant, interviewee looks straight at the camera, and that the mise-en-scene remains near enough the same. Neither the less, we also agreed that we need to take a larger variety of cut aways in relation to our chosen subject.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Documentary: Its Good to Talk

In lesson we finally managed to complete the Preliminary Task: Its Good to Talk.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Editing: It's Good to Talk

Today we started the editing for our perliminary task 'Its Good to Talk'.

  • The first thing we did in relation to editing our film and cutaways, is that we began by importing all of the footage that we we had into Adobe Premier Pro, which allowed us to see and spilt each clip as we went a long. This also allowed us to add different parts together, which resulted in the being of our interview for the documentary. 
  • This being said then, this also meant that we had to cut out the questions that we originally asked, which left us only with the answers the the interviewee had given us, and from there we dragged it onto the time line.
  • We did this until we had majority of the answers placed onto the time line. Neither the less, the was only one issue that made itself present whilst doing this interview, and this was in relation to the second half of our interview; e.g. second half of our interview didn't record which resulted in us having only two minutes worth of interview instead of five for our overall interview. 
  • We then started to look at the various cutaway footage and images that we had in relation to our documentary, and started to cut small sections of them, so that we were able to lay them onto the Video 2 layer, in order to cover up any of the jumpcuts that occurred during our interview. As a result, these varied between various lengths, due to the fact that some of the cutaways needed to be shown completely whereas some others didn't; e.g. somebody typing on a phone.   
  • From there we then went onto placing our cutaways onto video, so as to cover up the various jumpcuts that made themselves present in our interview. We also had to put left audio onto the audio as well, in order for all of the group to listen to it through both the speakers and headphones, depending the audience watched it. 
  • We then began to add graphics onto our interview, which helped in identifying the interviewee's name and relevance to the topic that they where answering questions on.
  • Finally we successfully added our titles and music base to the video. By having the music in the background of the interview this meant that the background didn't sound empty, and as for the title of the actual interview, this fades both in and out whilst over a still image.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Preliminary Task: Its Good To Talk

On 12th September, 2013 we were split into groups of three, so we could creates short documentary (preliminary task) called 'It's Good to Talk'. The group consists of myself, Rachel Jones and Jake Hoey, and as a result of this, we started off by talking about the interview questions we were given. We then moved onto discuss the cutaways we could link in with them.

These were are our initial ideas:
  • Somebody texting on the phone
  • Somebody browsing phone sales contracts on line
  • Displaying old phones
  • Using App Store
  • Using social networking sites
  • Emailing
  • Text language
  • 4 people in a room sat at a table texting
  • Phone shops
  • Old to new transmition panning shot  

We then discussed the props we need for the task:
  • A variety of new and old phones
  • Computers
  • People sat with a computer screen behind them
  • Picture of phones

We then discussed a name for our documentary:
  • Fones
  • Game of Phones

Codes and conventions of filming and editing interviews

Monday 9 September 2013

Codes and conventions of a documentary

I placed all the codes and conventions of a documentary into a powerpoint and uploaded it through slideshare and embeded it onto my blog.

Monday 2 September 2013

Don't Blame Facebook

In lesson we were told that we needed to analyse two other documentaries individually and the other documentary that I chose to do was 'Don't Blame Facebook'. I analysed the documentary focusing on the themes involved, narrative structure, camera work used, mise-en-scene,sound, editing, archive footage and graphics. Once collected I put the information onto a Glogster layout and embeded it onto my blog.

Friday 30 August 2013

Child Genius

In lesson we were told that we needed to analyse two other documentaries individually and one documentary that I chose to do was 'Child Genius'. I again analysed the documentary focusing on the themes involved, narrative structure, camera work used, mise-en-scene, sound, editing, archive footage and graphics. Once collected I put the information into Windows Movie Maker and created the following video.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

That Thing: Lara Croft

In lesson we analysed a documentary called 'That Thing: Lara Croft' for which I did a prezi presentation for all of the information that I had been able to gather in relation to the documentary. The types of information that we were told to gather was in relation to the themes involved in the documentary, narrative structure, camera work used, mise-en-scene, sound, editing, archive footage and graphics.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Marketing of Meat Loaf

In lesson we analysed a documentary called 'The Music Biz:Meatloaf', and as a result of this, we were told to look at various aspects such as the type of documentary, themes that were represented, camerawork that was used, the mise-en-scene, archive material and graphics. When all notes of the documentary were collected, I put them into a powerpoint and uploaded it onto my blog. 

Tuesday 9 July 2013

The Devil Made Me Do It

In lesson we analysed a documentary called 'The Devil Made Me Do It', and as a result of this, we were told to look at various aspects such as the type of documentary, themes that were represented, camerawork that was used, the mise-en-scene, archive material and graphics. Once all the notes of the documentary were collected, I put them into a word document and uploaded it onto my blog.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Features of a documentary

In lesson we were told about the various features of a documentary ranging from what the actual features involve, to gatekeeping and the types of narrative structure.

Monday 24 June 2013

Types of documentary

Throughout the lesson we looked at the various types of documentaries that are available to us, as well as what and when they were used for.

Friday 21 June 2013

Thursday 20 June 2013


The aim of this piece of coursework is to create the opening five minutes of a TV documentary, a radio trailer to support it, and a newspaper advert. The work will be completed in groups of three.