Monday 23 September 2013

Evaluation: Its Good to Talk

Once the class watched our short documentary in relation to the Preliminary Task: Its Good to Talk, they came up with some advantages and disadvantages for the documentary, as well some improvements that could be made in time for our next documentary; e.g. main task.

The audience felt that their were various advantages that made themselves present when they visualised the final product. The advantages that they came up with overall where:
     - Cut aways allow seamless translations and where relevant to the theme
     - Music went with the title (contemporary)
     - Pun (thrones to phones)
     - Music helped re-enforce competition
     - Graphics used
     - Sound through time mic
     - Range of phones
However, the audience also felt that were a few disadvantages with the documentary that made themselves present as well. These consisted of:
     - Passport appears half way through
     - Background has nothing to do with phones
     - Interviewee is sitting side ways and not straight at into the camera (interviewer positioning)
     - Doesn't last for the whole five minutes

After looking over the preliminary task that we completed, we came to realize that it was not done to the best of our ability. This being said then, the next time that we do a  documentary, the main things that we will have to make sure that it lasts the full five minutes, the background is relevant, interviewee looks straight at the camera, and that the mise-en-scene remains near enough the same. Neither the less, we also agreed that we need to take a larger variety of cut aways in relation to our chosen subject.

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