Wednesday 18 September 2013

Editing: It's Good to Talk

Today we started the editing for our perliminary task 'Its Good to Talk'.

  • The first thing we did in relation to editing our film and cutaways, is that we began by importing all of the footage that we we had into Adobe Premier Pro, which allowed us to see and spilt each clip as we went a long. This also allowed us to add different parts together, which resulted in the being of our interview for the documentary. 
  • This being said then, this also meant that we had to cut out the questions that we originally asked, which left us only with the answers the the interviewee had given us, and from there we dragged it onto the time line.
  • We did this until we had majority of the answers placed onto the time line. Neither the less, the was only one issue that made itself present whilst doing this interview, and this was in relation to the second half of our interview; e.g. second half of our interview didn't record which resulted in us having only two minutes worth of interview instead of five for our overall interview. 
  • We then started to look at the various cutaway footage and images that we had in relation to our documentary, and started to cut small sections of them, so that we were able to lay them onto the Video 2 layer, in order to cover up any of the jumpcuts that occurred during our interview. As a result, these varied between various lengths, due to the fact that some of the cutaways needed to be shown completely whereas some others didn't; e.g. somebody typing on a phone.   
  • From there we then went onto placing our cutaways onto video, so as to cover up the various jumpcuts that made themselves present in our interview. We also had to put left audio onto the audio as well, in order for all of the group to listen to it through both the speakers and headphones, depending the audience watched it. 
  • We then began to add graphics onto our interview, which helped in identifying the interviewee's name and relevance to the topic that they where answering questions on.
  • Finally we successfully added our titles and music base to the video. By having the music in the background of the interview this meant that the background didn't sound empty, and as for the title of the actual interview, this fades both in and out whilst over a still image.

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